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City activating cold weather shelters Sunday due to freezing temps

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City activating cold weather shelters Sunday due to freezing temps

AUSTIN (KXAN) — The city of Austin is activating its cold weather shelters as temperatures are forecasted to go into the 30s overnight Sunday going into Monday morning, the city said.

“Shelters will open when forecasted overnight temperatures at Camp Mabry are expected to reach 35 degrees or below,” the city said.

Registration will happen from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at One Texas Center (OTC), located at 505 Barton Springs Road. The city said this acts as the “central embarkation point” for those seeking overnight shelter.

Anyone seeking information about access and activation can call the Cold Weather Shelter Hotline at 512-972-5055.  

Bus routes to One Texas Center include lines 1, 7, 10, 20, 30, 105, 142 and 801, according to the city. Anyone who cannot pay the fare will still be able to ride.

Those seeking to stay at the shelters can also bring their belongings, as long as they can transport them to the OTC and onto a CapMetro Bus,” the release said.

Pets are allowed at the shelters if they are not aggressive, leashed and can sleep with their owners. Anyone with a car can come to the One Texas Center, check in and take their vehicle to the shelter they’re staying at.

The shelters will also provide meals, and women and couples can stay at the same shelter in a separate area “as capacity allows,” according to the city.

The city said hotel vouchers will also be provided to “families with children and unaccompanied minors seeking shelter during activation periods.”

As freezes are expected to continue going into Wednesday and Thursday mornings, the city said it will continue to monitor the weather to determine whether shelters need to be activated, the release said.

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